
Best Herbs for Lymphatic System Drainage

Best Herbs for Lymphatic System Drainage

The lymphatic system is an important system in the body for removing toxins, battling infections and supporting immune system health. Unlike the circulatory system that uses the heart to pump blood, the lymphatic system does not have a pump and relies on other factors to help circulate lymphatic fluid, such as diet, exercise, breath and herbs. Certain herbs have been shown to be particularly effective for stimulating lymphatic circulation. In this article, we will discuss the top herbs for lymph system health and function.


What Is the Lymphatic System?


Lymphatic system shown in arm in 3D mockup


Your lymphatic system is a major part of your immune system and has many different functions, such as protecting your body from pathogens, maintaining body fluid levels, and removing cellular waste. Essentially, the lymphatic system is your body’s sewage system. It removes toxins, waste and pathogens from your body, protecting you from infections and diseases.


If you would like to learn more about the lymphatic system, read our blog, "Lymphatic System | Everything you Need to Know".


In other words, your lymphatic system is a network in your body that maintains body fluid levels, removes cellular waste, and protects your body from pathogens. It is a major part of your immune system and is often thought of as the drainage system of the body.


The lymphatic system is composed of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic fluid (called “lymph”), lymph nodes, collecting ducts, and key organs like the spleen, thymus, tonsils, adenoids, bone marrow, appendix and peyer’s patches (small patches of lymphatic tissue in the mucous membrane that lines your small intestine).


As blood circulates throughout your body, it delivers nutrients to all of your tissues and organs. As it does, blood plasma sometimes leaks into tissues through the thin walls of the capillaries. The part of blood plasma that leaks into tissues is called interstitial or extracellular fluid, and it contains nutrients that are needed by tissue cells. The lymphatic system removes this fluid from tissues and returns it to the bloodstream, preventing a fluid imbalance that would otherwise be fatal.


In addition to this important role, the lymphatic system also produces and releases white blood cells and other immune cells that protect your body from invading pathogens like viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. It also transports and removes toxins, waste products and abnormal cells from the lymph.


What Are the Benefits of Improving Lymphatic System Health?


Lymphatic Drainage Massage


The lymphatic system is a key part of your immune system, and without it, you could not survive. If the lymphatic system is clogged, the immune system is compromised. Toxins build up in the body, and the body’s organs and tissues then get inflamed—and chronic inflammation is linked to many major diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and more.


So, improving the health of your lymphatic system can enhance your immunity and can better protect your body from invading pathogens and toxins that you may encounter in your environment.


A clogged lymphatic system is often associated with a higher toxic load in the body, as well as some of the health issues that can result from this like poor skin health, inflammatory skin conditions, acne, body odor, digestive issues, brain fog and more.


Enhancing the health and function of the lymphatic system may help improve your skin health, reduce body odor, improve digestion, and support all of the body’s systems—resulting in better health overall.


How Can I Support Lymphatic System Health?


As mentioned, the lymphatic system relies on certain factors for circulating lymph. Among these factors, the most essential are:


  • Breath
  • Physical movement and exercise
  • Water
  • Diet
  • Herbs


Deep breathing, regular exercise (especially jump rope or rebounding on a mini trampoline), hydration, nutritious diet and herbs that help drain the lymphatic system are the best tools for keeping your lymphatic system healthy. Of course, avoiding toxins and things that may clog your lymphatic system is equally important.


What Are the Best Herbs for Lymph Drainage and Lymphatic System Health?


The best herbs for the lymphatic system are:


  1. Cleavers


Cleavers herb growing in the wild


Cleavers (Galium aparine), also known as goosegrass, gripgrass, scratchgrass, catchweed, and Velcro plant, is a small green plant that forms small greenish-white flowers and is often described as a weed. They grow abundantly in temperate climates along the forest floor, climbing up trees and bushes, or forming their own bush-like clusters on the ground as the plants tangle and entwine together.


Cleavers are among the best herbs for swollen lymph nodes as well as one of the best herbs for lymph drainage. Cleavers support the movement of lymph fluids and ease congestion of swollen glands.


These lymph-cleansing properties make cleavers great for supporting detoxification. Cleavers are also an effective diuretic herb, which helps to flush out waste, toxins and excess fluid from the kidneys.


The medicinal properties of cleavers are attributed to the active compounds found within the plant, namely phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, and alkaloids such as anthraquinones and coumarins.


  1. Cayenne Pepper


Cayenne Peppers on Wood


Cayenne peppers (Capsicum annuum) are another one of the top herbs for healthy lymph.


Cayenne peppers are peppers that belongs to the nightshade plant family Solanaceae. They are fairly spicy pepper due to the compound capsaicin. Most cayenne pepper varieties have an average rating of 30,000 to 50,000 HU (Scoville heat units), which measures how much heat-generating capsaicin is present.


One of cayenne’s main herbal actions, and one of the actions that most herbalists use cayenne for, is its stimulant properties. A “stimulant” in herbalism is different from a stimulant like caffeine or another stimulating chemical. Stimulants in herbalism are herbs that can stimulate, or enhance the function of, all of the body’s processes. This is largely attributed to an herb’s ability to improve circulation and blood flow, which helps improve the efficiency of all of the body’s organs.


The stimulant properties of cayenne peppers work particularly well on the lymphatic system. Cayenne can help to increase the flow of lymph and support lymph drainage, effectively clearing blockages in the lymphatic system.


  1. Figwort


Figwort Plant Isolated on White Background


Figwort is another one of the best herbs for lymph system. Figwort plants are tall plants with flowers that are either green, purple, or yellow. Figwort has also been given the common name carpenter’s square because of its distinct four-sided stems. These plants are a popular pollinator plant that attracts bees and other beneficial pollinators. They have also been used for centuries for various medicinal purposes.


Figwort’s latin name Scrophularia radix comes from the medical term “scrofula” which is a name for a type of infection in the lymph glands of the neck. This points to one of figworts primary uses as an herbal medicine, which is to support the health of the lymphatic system and to help relieve swollen lymph glands.


Scrofula is a type of lymphatic infection connected to tuberculosis. In this condition, the infected lymph nodes of the neck swell to form hard, bulging lumps beneath the skin. Figwort has been traditionally used by herbalists as the go-to herb for treating scrofula, and it continues to be used today as one of the best herbs for the lymphatic system.


As a medicinal herb, figwort has alterative properties. Alteratives are a class of herbs that work to restore normal balance and function of the body’s systems and organs. They are thought to work primarily by purifying the body of toxins and influencing the circulatory and lymphatic systems.


Alteratives are said to “alter the constitution and composition of blood and lymph by restoring the correct removal of cellular waste and encouraging the uptake of nutrition by the cell.”


Figwort is one herb that can help stimulate lymphatic movement. By influencing the lymphatic system, figwort can support the natural detoxification of the body, helping to remove impurities and stagnant infections and to clean the lymph nodes.


The 7 Best Herbs for Lymph Drainage


While the above three mentioned herbs are our top picks for lymphatic cleanse herbs and herbs for swollen lymph nodes. There are other herbs that benefits the lymphatic system as well. 7 additional herbs good for lymphatic drainage include:


  1. Red Root (Ceanothus americanus): This herb helps reduce lymphatic congestion and improves lymph flow. It's particularly effective for swollen lymph nodes and tonsillitis.

  2. Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, calendula improves lymph flow and reduces lymphatic congestion. It can be used in teas, tinctures, or topically in creams.

  3. Echinacea (Echinacea spp.): This immune-boosting herb also supports the lymphatic system by cleansing the lymphatic fluid of toxins and stimulating lymphatic activity.

  4. Burdock Root (Arctium lappa): It purifies the blood and lymphatic fluid, helping remove toxins from the body. Burdock root is gentle and can be taken as tea or in capsule form.

  5. Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): Mullein reduces lymph node swelling and improves lymph circulation due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

  6. Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus): This herb is known for its ability to boost the immune system and promote the health of the lymphatic system. It helps enhance the circulation of lymph and can be used in both tea and capsule forms.

  7. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Dandelion has diuretic properties that help cleanse both the liver and lymphatic system. It can be consumed as a tea, tincture, or in salads.


These herbs are beneficial for promoting lymphatic health and can be used in various forms, such as teas, tinctures, or capsules. As always, consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified herbalist before starting any new herbal regimen, especially to ensure proper dosage and compatibility with your health conditions or other treatments.


Zuma Nutrition’s Lymphatic Detox Tonic


Zuma Nutrition Lymphatic Detox Tonic


To support the health of the lymphatic system and to enhance lymphatic drainage, we at Zuma Nutrition created our Lymphatic Cleanse Tonic using these top three herbs for lymphatic system health.


Our Lymphatic Detox Tonic may help to promote lymphatic drainage, help clear blockages in the lymphatic system, and support the removal of waste and toxins from the body.† Our formula uses a therapeutic extraction process that is able to concentrate the active ingredients into a therapeutic liquid extract that is significantly more potent than other solutions like tea, powders or capsules.


The high quality active ingredient extracts in our Lymphatic Detox Tonic are completely water soluble, so they’re absorbed immediately in the bloodstream and not lost in the digestive tract, allowing them to instantly to immediately begin working to drain the lymphatic system.†

All of the herbs in this formula are only harvested when they are at their peak level of potency. This ensures that the active ingredients are as strong and effective as possible. Plus, they are 100% sustainable and wildcrafted. Which means, no pesticides, preservatives, chemical fillers, or genetically modified ingredients.




Your lymphatic system is a network in your body that maintains body fluid levels, removes cellular waste, and protects your body from pathogens. It is a major part of your immune system and is often thought of as the drainage system of the body.


The lymphatic system is composed of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic fluid (called “lymph”), lymph nodes, collecting ducts, and key organs like the spleen, thymus, tonsils, adenoids, bone marrow, appendix and peyer’s patches (small patches of lymphatic tissue in the mucous membrane that lines your small intestine).


Unlike the circulatory system that uses the heart to pump blood, the lymphatic system does not have a pump and relies on other factors to help circulate lymphatic fluid, such as diet, exercise, breath and herbs. Because of this, the lymphatic system can easily get clogged, leading to various health issues.


A clogged lymphatic system is often associated with a higher toxic load in the body, as well as some of the health issues that can result from this like poor skin health, inflammatory skin conditions, acne, body odor, digestive issues, brain fog and more.


Enhancing the health and function of the lymphatic system may help improve your skin health, reduce body odor, improve digestion, and support all of the body’s systems—resulting in better health overall.


Deep breathing, regular exercise (especially jump rope or rebounding on a mini trampoline), hydration, nutritious diet and herbs that help drain the lymphatic system are the best tools for keeping your lymphatic system healthy. Of course, avoiding toxins and things that may clog your lymphatic system is equally important.


The best herbs for the lymphatic system are:


  • Cleavers
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Figwort


Cleavers support the movement of lymph fluids and ease congestion of swollen glands. Cayenne helps to increase the flow of lymph and support lymph drainage, effectively clearing blockages in the lymphatic system. Figwort also stimulates lymphatic movement and helps reduce swelling of swollen lymph glands.


We have included these herbs in our Lymphatic Detox Tonic using a therapeutic extraction method that significantly increases their potency and effectiveness. † We also formulated this tonic using only organic and wildcrafted ingredients. Supplementing with this formula can make a great addition to your healthcare routine, especially if you are focused on supporting the lymphatic system.


Taking care of your lymphatic system is essential for good health and longevity. By exercising regularly, limiting your toxic exposure, breathing deeply, eating well, staying hydrated and using lymphatic-supporting herbs like those mentioned in this article, you can keep your lymphatic system functioning efficiently and effectively.






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